
MOA on Co's Digital Flora of the Philippines: Cybertaxonomy to the Rescue of Conservation

Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines (CDFP) is a digital checklist of Philippine vascular plants that aims to present a continuously updated account of all native and naturalized species of vascular plants in the Philippines with diagnostic photographs for each taxon. It is named after the deceased Leonardo Co, a famous Philippine plant taxonomist who produced an updated version of Merrill’s enumeration of Philippine plants (1923-1926), but was unable to complete and publish his checklist before his death.
Focal Office:
Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB)
New Zealand
Date of Validity:
2012 - 2017
Partner Government Agency:
University of Canterbury
Scope of Cooperation:
The MOA intends to: (i) Update/sustain Co’s Digital Flora of the Philippines as a free and publicly accessible, well-illustrated website that provides a comprehensive overview of Philippine vascular plants, (ii) Generate more information on the Philippine flora accessible for education, research and conservation purposes, and (iii) Publish all new species discovered during field work.
Latest Activities:

a.   Digital Flora is being maintained and is accessible freely on the web.
b.   Publication of newly discovered species of rafflesia and pitcher plant.

This Page was updated on 28 March 2016 and will be updated on 28 April 2016